Bballer- A small harmless creature, wins over other creatures with its charm and looks. Bballer is a flying creature and therefore is able to live in higher surroundings away from harmful ground creatures. It likes to live in tree dwellings and surroundings, this is because of food as they are herbivores and as wells as for protection.
Crops- although an unusual creature it is still very charmful and is able to easily befriend other creatures. Its front arm that is connected to the front of his face is very useful when it is in search for food in high places. Its claw-like mouth makes it easy for these carnivores to rip through its prey. This creature is very strong and distinctive and is very noticeable in its dwellings.
Dibboo- A small bird-like creature that has all the same characteristics as an eagle besides in octopus like tentacle as a legs. This tentacle like leg makes it easier for the bird to move through water but harder thru land but makes up for it in the air. Dibboo is very charmful and likes the company of other flying creatures.

Difdif- A warrior like creature with a shield of amour for protection against other harmful creatures. This carnivore only eats fish meat and has to be surrounded by fresh water and vegetation so that it is able survive. Difdif is not a very confrontational creature and enjoys excluded surroundings but if in need to fight its protective shielding and mighty punch are a good tactic that it possess.
Equitable- this creature is not very strong or very charmful but rather a neutral being that avoids confrontation from other creatures. Its dwellings are mostly under barks, in tree trunks or underneath rumbles of leaves.
Fat Fairy
Fat Fairy- one of the most ugliest creatures. This creature possesses wings but has the inability to fly because of its weight. Fat Fairy has a deadly bite and kick but has the inability to grasp objects with its hands. With its charmful horns on its head gives the Fat Fairy the ability to be attractive to equally ugly creatures.
Hornous- this creature with its thin and fragile frame gallops from place to place with its frog like legs and its grasping claws give it an advantage against its enemies. This goofy looking creature shouldn’t be taken for its looks as it is very strong and clever and is easily able to outwit its enemies. This creatures lives in communities near waterfronts as water is essential for the salvation of this creature.
Krimp- this equally ugly creature to the Fat Fairy belong to the same sub-species but Krimp is a better warrior and is able to defend itself better in combat.
Leghorn- this six-leg creature is a mix breed between a dinosaur and a spider and has all the power of these creatures. This intriguing creature is an herbivore and lives in the forests and woods and is never far away from the rest of the Leghorn as it likes to travel in packs. Leghorn doesn’t have a stable home but rather is nomad and moves from place to place.
Taggydoad- this frog like creature walks like it’s a spider, scratches like a raven and can be camouflage like a lizard. This little creature with the dimensions no more than a cane toad is stills a threat to its enemies. This creature lives near valleys and mountains.
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